A4WR Participatory Sound Cartography Nigeria
A4WR Participatory Sound Cartography Nigeria
Voices of Nigerian women who have experienced violence are now audible on the streets of Nigeria, accessible via your cellphone.
A4WR Teaser
This immersive project, created in collaboration with the International Committee of Museums of Memory and Human Rights (ICMEMOHRI) and the National Committee of Nigeria, both part of the International Council of Museums (ICOM) aims to raise awareness of a number of issues affecting Nigeria today, and how they inevitably affect the rest of the world.
ICOM Define Prague
ICOM Define Prague
ICOM Define
Aiming to respond to the need for a democratic and open process of consultation to the National Committees, International Committees, Regional Alliances and Affiliated Organisations that constitute ICOM, the Standing Committee for the Museum Definition formulated a new methodology going forward.
Peace as a laboratory: Colombia
Peace as a laboratory: analysis of demobilization zones in Colombia and their impact on the reintegration of former FARC-EP guerrillas.